Sunday, December 4, 2016

Shelton's Tree Farm

We made our annual trek out to Shelton's Christmas Tree Farm on Sunday, December 4th.
It's one of my favorite Christmas traditions and I love hanging our Christmas cards on it. 

Loaded up in the truck and ready to go....Presley sat in the front seat with me and Dave. 

It was a brisk and breezy day, but the sun was shining. 
Dave and Logan quoted some "Christmas Vacation" when they saw this one...
"bit full, lotta sap"

Presley checked the trees for the tags before I had a chance to say if I liked it. 

Logan started leading Ry around with his arms like this, and Harper complained that he wasn't doing that to her. 
So he made her happy by doing the same thing. 

The tree we decided on!

Off to pay and stop for some cookies and cocoa.

Loading our tree up 
Finishing our hot drinks before we headed home. 

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