Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas 2016

Santa had drank the milk and ate the cookies and had left some great presents under the tree. 

Grandma and Papa Nelson came back to our house this morning. 
They got here at about 7:50, and we always make the kids wait until Dave goes and gets them at 8.

I went downstairs to check on them about 7:45.
Ry wasn't excited at all!
Presley showing me her phone at 7:57...waiting until 8 is a real test of patience.
Dad told them they could come on up...

Harper was so excited about her Hatchimal.
And Ry was happy about his punching bag. 
Logan received boxing gloves.
And so did Ry!!  His expression is so genuine here because we had him very convinced that he would not be getting boxing gloves. 
Shopkins for Harper
Logan had begged for this Biggie pillow way back in July at Ry's soccer tournament. 
He was pretty pleased to see it again. 
Patiently waiting for her Hatchimal to hatch. 
We had Santa pancakes, fruit, and cinnamon bites, and Grandma brought a quiche.
I thought this was so cute of everyone eager to see what was inside the egg. 
Finally she did pop her head out. 

Grandma and Papa left about 11 and we were pretty lazy the rest of the day. 
Our only family picture on Christmas. 
We didn't have a reason to get out of our jammies (and we didn't).

We worked on Lego sets.

I put a roast beef in the crock pot and we had that for dinner with leftover rolls and mashed potatoes. 

I even did a load of laundry today.

Buddy the Elf left us a puzzle for the end of the night...
(Presley commented that she thought it was going to be a clue to a surprise trip)

It was a Merry Christmas for us all!

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