Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas with the Kreiders: 12/18/16

We finished up with the Legard family celebration at about 1:30 and had to give Grandma and Papa some time to set up their house. 
We went shopping at Best Buy and made a stop at Toys R Us.
(I found a present that wasn't available in Wenatchee or online so I was pretty happy to have found it). 
Harper drove with the Lindholm's to their house so we made our way over there. 

We made it to Grandma and Papa's about 4:00. 

Amy made these funny Elf videos that we watched several times.

Miryn telling Rylan that's him. 

Then we opened presents. 

Rylan was excited about his snowboard. 

Grandma telling Miryn she's going to Disneyland with her cousins Presley, Rylan, and Harper. 

We bought Miryn this leotard for her gymnastics class and she put it on and did her handstands for us. 

We ordered pizzas and went downstairs to look into our stockings.
Cristy was able to take our picture. 
The Lindholms bought Rylan the game, "Bounce Off". 
Cristy played a few rounds with Ry. 
Cousin picture before we left. 
Cousins with Grandma and Papa. 
The original 4 having a group hug. 
Alyson and Logan
Grandma hugging Logan good-bye
She must have been telling him something important. 

Saying good-bye to sweet Miryn too. 
Thomas was able to give Ry a big squeeze too. 
And Papa bringing Ry to his knees with his tight grip. 

We made it home about 9:30 and unpacked everything onto the dining room table. 
Our Christmas Break had begun!

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