Friday, December 30, 2016

Oooops I missed: Disneyland Day 2 (February 29, 2016)

We went to California Adventure today.

We were there right at opening and ran to Radiator Springs. 
Dave took our Hoppers and went to get Fast Passes so we could go on this ride again in the afternoon. 
He got our fast passes and then went to the single rider line and was able to meet up with us as we were getting on.  It was great the way it turned out.
The kids won this round!

Dave, Leanna, Granda int eh back row. 

Harper was tall enough to go on Screamin' for the first time. 
She loved it!
Grandma and Presley in the front
Dave and Harper in the 2nd row
Leanna and Ry in the 3rd row

Toy Story Mania

The bumper cars in Bug's Land
They found Olaf while I was taking Harper to the bathroom.
On the Symphony Swings
Rylan, Grandma and Harper, Logan, and Presley
I love this picture :)

Tower of Terror with all of us in the back row
Logan, Leanna, Harper, Grandma, Presley, Dave, and Rylan

Presley's character was Tinkerbell

Rylan accidentally pushed Madam instead of Sir and became Princess Tiana

We went to eat at Tortilla Joe's, and were lucky to get some balloon "art" made for us. 

What a great way to spend our one extra day in the year 2016!

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