Friday, December 30, 2016

Oooops I missed: Disneyland Days 3 and 4 (March 1st and 2nd)

We went to both Disneyland and California Adventure today.

We started in Disneyland in Tomorrow Land.
We went on Space Mountain first. 
I think Logan knows where the camera is on this ride. 

Ry's one request this time was to go through the Jedi Training.
Walking in for the battle against the Dark Side.
We caught Ry's expression when Darth Maul comes out on stage. 
And fighting Darth Vadar

After his battle, we were all hungry for Mickey pancakes.

After breakfast we went to Toon Town

And took one more ride on Big Thunder

Cristy sent us with money for a treat
And then we snuck into the Tiki Room to see the birds

We did a little shopping and made our way back to California Adventure.
We had to stop and look for Mom and Dad's paver.

Then we finished our trip with Tower of Terror and Radiator Springs one more time. 
Front row:
Presley, Grandma, Leanna, Logan

The adults on Radiator Springs

The kids won again.
Logan and Harper in the front seat
Presley and Ry in the back

Logan gave Harper a piggy back ride out of California Adventure

March 2nd:
The sign of a good trip:
Dad sleeping while kids play on the plane.

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