Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ooops I missed : Easter 2016 (March 27, 2016)

We started off with celebrating Easter at our house. 
We woke up to our baskets filled with goodies. 
Then we had Bunny pancakes before we left for the Tri-Cities. 

It was our last Easter at Papa Berries house so it was important that we make the drive. 
Right before we left.

And Tona's text to me...

Off we go!
With Papa Berries.
He gave Harper this big stuffed bunny, which stays up in her closet because she's afraid of it when she sleeps.  
Leanna, Samee, Amy

Logan hugging Amy
The Sorensen's
Lincoln, Danny, and Tricia
Ry and Link

Presley and Miryn
Miry loved when Presley would give her airplane rides
Mylee and Alyson
Logan, Mike, and Mathew took on Dave, Ry, and Thomas
Getting ready to hunt for eggs. 

Looking for the golden egg

While we were eating dinner, Mylee was trying to do a face swap on Snapchat and ended up with this. 
I was in the back and didn't know she was even doing this. 
I had never before seen a 3 person face swap and haven't one since. 
I'm standing with Mylee's face, Grandma got my face, and Mylee got Grandma's face. 
It was so fun and unexpected!

Bobby, Papa Berries, Grandma, Dave L., and Joe

The Legard cousins

The Kreider clan
The original Legard cousins
We have done this same stack picture through the years several times. 
I was so pleased when Cristy found the old picture and put this side by side together. 

And then she outdid herself and found a couple more of the stack pictures through the years. 
Oh, this made me so happy...probably my most favorite pictures of the whole year!

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