Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Merry Christmas

A White Christmas for sure
The presents were out and stockings were filled!

The kids woke up about 7:15 and watched TV downstairs. 
Grandma and Papa were coming at 8 so they had to be patient. 
The kids were giving Dave kisses to get hints for their presents. 

Straight up 8 AM (Logan had his timer set)
the kids ran up the stairs.

Logan found his Go Pro
The kids found their bike, Karoake Machine, and Nintendo 3 DS XL. 

She was happy to perform a Little Mermaid song. 
This was the year of Star Wars for little Ry. 
Logan also loved his new soccer ball. 
We opened stockings and Ry liked his light up mouth guard. 

We ate breakfast together, cleaned up a little bit, packed for the next few days. 
And we were off...

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