Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kids Updates

Logan, Age 14
I think you pretty much fit the stereotypical 14 year old boy description.  You love, love, love your phone, sports, showers, sleeping in, video games, and hanging out with your friends.  You love school this year and your favorite teacher is Mr. Ochoa.  You took a test to predict what you'll be when you grow up this week and yours came back as an athletic trainer.  You think you'd like to teach P.E.  You're definitely not perfect all the time--you're moody at times and sometimes mean to your siblings. But I see you love on them too.  Grandma and Papa brought you their old futon for your room and you came in last Saturday from your combine try-out and asked, "who wants to sleep in my room with me?" (it ended up being Harper in the futon and Ry on the floor, Presley was at a friends house).  Dad and I laugh because sometimes you're not so bright.  This fall the backyard was not finished and the pool was a giant concrete hole and we were telling the kids to not run around back there because we wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourselves in the hole.  You said, "wait, what hole?"--oh you know, that 18 x 40 gray concrete thing out there.  I told Dad that he has to remind himself that your frontal lobe is not fully closed yet.  You're finishing school basketball this week and you chose not to play AAU this year so you're looking forward to skiing this winter.  Dad said you were very confident during your combine try-out and although you were as tall as the other goal keepers, you were not nearly as filled out.  He said some of the kids in your age group looked like men.  You like to text and snapchat with your friends.  You and Dad are very funny together.  You still like when I come down and tuck you in at night and talk for a few minutes.  

Presley, Age 12
I don't know where I stand with you a lot of the time.  You're sweet and nice and loving to me one minute, and quiet and won't make eye contact with me the next.  I'm very confused by your behaviors towards me a lot of the time.  I tell you quite often, "I'm just gonna love you harder Presley" and then I squeeze you really tight, and that sometimes make you laugh.  I can't tell if you want me around or not, and I think you do, but I'm not sure that I'm choosing the right times and I know I'm not saying the right things all the time.  You have embraced 6th grade like a champ.  Teachers have come up to me and dad at Logan's basketball games to tell us what a wonderful model student you are.  You love changing classes, having a locker, and hanging out with friends after school waiting for me.  You give me the "I Love You" sign when I drop you off.  At the beginning of school you would run in to the school at drop off, but now I notice you'll walk in.  Your favorite teacher is Mr. Lara (core).  You're involved in ASB this year.  You like to have friends over ALOT.  You love Stage Kids and you're willing to try swim team in the spring, but I think you're only doing that so that you can do the spring performance of "Seussical".  You like to spend time in your room playing on your IPod and checking Instagram.  You want an IPhone, but you're not addicted to the phone you have now the way Logan was.   You like to make potions and make-up and play babies with Harper.  You also like to do make overs with Harper.  You are so sweet (like 99% of the time and I think I focus way too much on the 1%) to everyone and everyone just loves you right back. 

Rylan, Age 8
My goodness Rylan, you just get cuter, sweeter, and funnier by the minute.  You are always the first one upstairs in the morning (Logan wakes you up in the morning and you shower first), looking for Buddy the Elf each morning.  This morning you hid behind the kitchen island and popped out at me and scared me. You thought that was very funny.  You always remember to tell me that you liked dinner.  You have always been our best sleeper and moving and being downstairs has not changed that.  You love minecraft, Legos, Roald Dahl books, Nate the Great books, your DS, and sports.  This was your first year to play basketball and you loved it.  You played well too, your left handedness helps you a lot!  You always give me the "I Love You" sign before school.  You are well liked by all your classmates.  You were invited to an all girls ice skating party.  I left you there and didn't know there would be no other boys and the mom said you just were so kind and patient with the girls.  When I pick you up I always ask how your day was and you always say good, I have to ask for details to get any more out of you.  You told me that Mrs. Peterson called you a "role model" the other day.  You're a good reader and a math whiz, but you don't like writing very much.  Your PE teacher Mr. Dotson told me he has never seen a 3rd grader play soccer as well as you. You help out Logan by training with him.  You and Harper are the best buddies.  Harper had some trouble at the beginning of school and the playground aides told me she would always look for you at recess and you would play together.  Now you play super square or wall ball.  You have loved the snow for sledding and you're looking forward to skiing. 

Harper, Age 6
Happy, Sassy, and Used to Getting her Own Way!!  That's our Harper!
I thought for sure you would have no problem being at Sunnyslope this year.  We have spent so much time there over the years, but for about 6 weeks, you did not like it.  I don't know what changed, but you're totally fine now.  You love free choice time and math at school and you like doing your homework.  On Monday mornings you have a later start than the others so we'll do some sounding out words and math equations.  You tell me "I'm up for the challenge" and that means you'll do math equations with answers higher than 10.  You know all the sight words on your word wall at school.  You're very close to being a reader.  You have made some good friends at school.  You talk about Addi a lot.  You love your babies and legos and just recently you've kept your room so clean.  You do like to tell tall tales though and that does drive us crazy.  One time I believed your story that you ate lunch with your principal (you told me you won special time with him because you're a good student) until I told you I was going to call Ms. Ferrians to get more details, then you fessed up.  You were a great soccer player this fall.  You love all your siblings but seem to either really love or be really annoyed by Rylan.  You give me the "I Love You" sign with Ry at drop off.  You're getting close to losing one of your top teeth.  You still have your Ki-Ki and only suck your thumb when you're holding that blanket.  You're super excited about Christmas and getting to sleep with Logan on Christmas Eve.  

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