Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas at Grandma and Papa's

As usual I don't have many pictures of Christmas at Grandma and Papa's. 

We stopped and admired her village. 

Logan got to play "Santa" and pass out presents.

After we opened presents, we went downstairs to do our stockings. 
Cristy took this picture for us. 
Thomas, Alyson, Mylee, and Dave

Harper was so excited that her and Miryn have the same Christmas pajamas. 
We bought Miryn a scooter.  She was doing great riding around on it for the first time. 
I wanted to get a picture of those two together in their matching pjs.
Miryn was giving me the cold shoulder for a while. 
Finally, she turned around for a quick pic.

We had a very Merry Christmas 2016!

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