Thursday, December 3, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 48 (2015)

Day 330, Thursday, November 26th
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Day 331, Friday, November 27th
Took down the fall things, got ready to decorate for Christmas.
It got a lot worse before it got any better. 

Day 332, Saturday, November 28th
Presley acted out a scene from The Little Mermaid at Pybus Market this afternoon. 

Day 333, Sunday, November 29th
Our elf Buddy brought us treats this morning. 

Day 334, Monday, November 30th
It's so fun to leave Presley in charge to run a quick errand. 
She texts me and face times me approximately 2469 times while I'm gone. 

Day 335, Tuesday, December 1st
Dress Rehearsal!!
Flotsam and Jetsam

Day 336, Wednesday, December 2nd 
We were hit with a snow and ice storm so Dave shoveled the driveway. 
We did look to see if we could go see a movie before he took on this chore. 
(The movie has to start by about 12:15 in order for it to finish before we need to pick up the kids from school). 

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