Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 17th and 18th: Last days before Christmas Break

I had not got to see Logan play very many basketball games for Foothills this season. 
But I did catch his last game versus Orchard Middle School. 
Their team went undefeated. 

Right after Logan's game we went out to dinner and then headed over to Foothills for Presley's Christmas Choir Concert. 
With her friends Lauren and Ella

December 18th was the last day of school and I helped out in Ry and Harper's classrooms for their parties. 
I went to Ry's in the morning. 
They did a craft and had a book exchange. 
Ry with his table of girl friends. 

Then there was a school wide sing along and Santa showed up. 
On their way out each student receives a candy cane. 
Harper gave Santa a hug. 

I came back in the afternoon to help the kindergarten classes make gingerbread houses. 

Then the kids were officially out for Christmas Break. 

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