Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49 (2015)

Day 337, Thursday, December 3rd
Opening Night for Stage Kids production of The Little Mermaid

Day 338, Friday, December 4th
Got our live tree this afternoon. 
And Bob and Tona came for Presley's evening performance. 

Day 339, Saturday, December 5th
Watched Rylan play basketball in the morning. 
Watched Presley's matinee performance at 2:00.

Day 340, Sunday, December 6th
Decorated our Christmas tree

Day 341, Monday, December 7th
Personalized Christmas reindeer shirts for the win!

Day 342, Tuesday, December 8th
Logan's name on the list of those invited to try out for the State Soccer Team, Surf Academy. 
This was a really big deal for Logan and a very high honor just to get an invite. 
The e-mail said over 1,000 boys and girls tried out for an invitation to try out for the team. 

Day 343, Wednesday, December 9th
The Little Mermaid re-enactment. 
Harper as Flounder and Presley as Ariel. 

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