Thursday, December 24, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 51 (2015)

Day 351, Thursday, December 17th
Presley had her choir Christmas concert tonight. 

Day 352, Friday, December 18th
The last day of school before Christmas Break is Cozy, Comfy Day at Wenatchee schools.

Day 353, Saturday, December 19th
Presley helped me bake cookies today. 

Day 354, Sunday, December 20th
The Smith's came over and we watched Christmas Vacation on the big screen for the first time. 

Day 355, Monday, December 21st
Practicing headers tonight. 

Day 356, Tuesday, December 22nd
We all went to the new Star Wars movie.
I've never been in a movie where people cheered and clapped (when the Millennium Falcon shows up and when Hans Solo and Chewbacca appear).

Day 357, Wednesday, December 23rd
We drank our cups of hot cocoa while we went to look at Christmas lights. 

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