Friday, August 23, 2019

Presley's 16th Birthday

Sweetest 16 year old!

At the DMV and she was nervous to take her vision test. 
We went this morning to get her license.
(Her real license will come in a week or so)

Maybe the last time she'll drive my car. 

We dropped off Ry and these three went rock climbing. 

She knew her car was coming today. 
Dave found the one she wanted in the exterior and interior colors she wanted in Olympia. 
Logan had a game near there last Saturday so he bought it then and they were delivering it today. 
Her and Logan had to make slight schedule changes at the school so they left in Logan's car, and it came while they were gone. 

Logan and Ry checking it out. 
Her and Harper took a drive to Sunnyslope to check out Harper's portable. 

That's all she drove today. 
Grandma and Papa Nelson and Uncle Patrick came over for dinner, presents, cake and ice cream. 
Presley requested salmon and butter noodles. 

Logan brought her back a Portland shirt from the game on Sunday. 

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