Monday, August 5, 2019

Logan's 18th Interview

What is your favorite color?  Blue
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer and Basketball
What is your favorite food?  Spaghetti and Pizza
What is your favorite show?  Adventure Time
What was your favorite book this year?  The Adventures of Huck Finn
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A millionaire
What was your favorite school subject?  "I'm gonna go with AP support."
What are you scared of?  Clowns
What makes you happy?  Playing soccer and being around my family.
Where would you like to visit?  Manchester, England
What are you looking forward to in your 18th year?  Graduating high school
What was the best thing about your 17th year?  Playing Varsity sports and committing to University of Portland
What advice would you give yourself?  Get better grades
What are you looking forward to in your senior year?  Hanging out with friends and going to sporting events, final year of playing basketball. 
What do you like to do with Presley?  Drive to school with her. 
What do you like to do with Rylan?  Play soccer
What do you like to do with Harper?  Throw her in the pool and play the "defense game"
What do you love about mom and dad?  They support me and they sent me to ID camps
What do you love about our family?  I like eating dinner together as a family. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  Maybe graduating college
10 years?  Hopefully I'll have a good job
Who helped you the most this 17th year?  Dad and Coach Javi
What can you do to help this world?  Stay humble and be happy. 

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