Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Presley's 16th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Blue and Purple
What is your favorite sport?  Basketball
What is your favorite show?  Glee, on Netflix
What is your favorite book you read this year?  The After Series and Romeo and Juliet
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Rich
What is your favorite subject in school?  English
Who was your favorite teacher this year?  Mr.  Deal
What are you scared of?  Losing a family member
What makes you happy?  Hanging out with friends and family
Where would you like to visit?  France, "also Disneyland, hint hint"
What are you looking forward to in your 16th year?  Driving
What was the best thing about your 15th year?  Starting high school
What do you like to do with Logan?  Drive to school and jamming out
What do you like to do with Rylan?  "Everything, he makes everything better"
What do you like to do with Harper?  Laugh at Tik-Toks together
What do you love about Mom and Dad?  They're getting me a car
What do you love about our family?  We can make jokes about each other and not get hurt
How can you help make his world a better place?  By showing support to my friends and family

"P.S. If I don't get a dog this year I'm gonna cry"

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