Saturday, August 31, 2019

First Day of School: August 27th, 2019

The night before school started I went looking for a first day of kindergarten picture of Logan...

September 4, 2007, age 6

August 27th, 2019, age 18

Presley has a zero period this year so she was out the door early. 

(Dad took her spot this morning)

We dropped off Ry first and then headed to Harper's class. 

She is in a portable this year so they were all lined up this morning. 

It was also Rylan's 1/2 birthday today so they had a half of a doughnut for breakfast. 

With our senior this morning on his last first day of K-12 school.

I got a picture of all of them after school today. 

I wish I would have made Presley, Ry, and Logan re-create Logan's first day of kindergarten pic. 
I also found a little note that Amy gave to Logan on his first day of school. 
A beautiful smile and good attitude has worked out pretty well for Logan so far. 
Good advice then, good advice now. 

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