Monday, August 26, 2019

Back to School Parties

August is our month for hosting a few parties to get the kids ready for back to school. 

Harper had hers first on August 21st
They were playing "family" in the pool.  
There was a mom, triples, a secretary, a horse and a dog. 
It was so cute. 

Presley's was next on Saturday, August 24th
She sent out a text to invite her friends, and it was a good turnout. 

They'll have a great sophomore year!

And Rylan's Sunday Sundae party was on the 25th

Chicken Fights 
and King of the Mattress
Then they came in to make their sundaes

And Logan's 3 friends came over tonight too for a late night swim and sleep over but I didn't ask for a picture. 

happy back to school....we're ready!

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