Friday, August 23, 2019

Harper's 10th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Blue
What is your favorite food?  Sumo 
What is your favorite sport? Gymnastics
What is your favorite TV show?  Teen Titans Go
What is your favorite book?  Little Women
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A doctor
What is your favorite subject at school?  PE
What are you scared of?  Snakes
What makes you happy?  Rylan
Where would you like to visit?  Great Wolf Lodge
What are you looking forward to in your 10th year?  Being 2 full hands
What was the best thing about your 9th year?  Going to Grandma's house for a week
What do you like to do with Logan?  Swimming with him, as long as he doesn't throw me. 
What do you like to do with Presley? Swim and play "Mermaid" with her
What do you like to do with Rylan? Play Minecraft and Roblox
What do you like about mom and dad?  Getting "lovins" from them
What do you love about our family?  How we all have brown eyes
What can you do to make our world a better place?  Don't pollute

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