Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2019)

Day 211, Tuesday, July 30th
These two playing mermaids will never get old. 
They were discussing what each of their superpowers would be. 

Day 212, Wednesday, July 31st
Harper's Christmas in July party

Day 213, Thursday, August 1st
Rylan went to Lake Chelan with his friend today. 

Day 214, Friday, August 2nd
Dave was in San Diego for a quick work trip. 
They went on a dinner cruise. 

Day 215, Saturday, August 3rd
Harper's been writing in her journal almost every night this summer. 
I can't wait to read it one the night before school. 

Day 216, Sunday, August 4th
Ry and his friend were dropped off at soccer camp. 
I pick them up on Wednesday. 

Day 217, Monday, August 5th
Logan is EIGHTEEN!

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