Monday, August 19, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 32 (2019)

Day 218, Tuesday, August 6th
Crazy Hair Day at their acting camp

Day 219, Wednesday, August 7th
Picking up these two soccer buddies at their camp in North Bend.

Day 220, Thursday, August 8th
Our 21st wedding anniversary

Day 221, Friday, August 9th
Harper's performance of The Prodigal Clown.
We got the giggles when she walked on stage in the green wig.

Day 222, Saturday, August 10th
We had all the family over to celebrate Summer Birthdays!
It was such a fun day, and we had someone representing each decade, 0-60 this year. 
0--Arthur, 10--Harper,  20--Alyson, 30--Danny S., 40--Cristy, 50--Thomas, 60--Dave

Day 223, Sunday, August 11th
The boys went rock climbing tonight. 

Day 224, Monday, August 12th
Presley and Harper went to stay with Grandma and Papa this week. 
They face-timed me each night. 

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