Sunday, July 30, 2017

Logan's Regional Tournament

Logan's club team had not played together in a real competitive game since Washington Cup back in February.  
We knew we had already been invited to the National Tournament in Indianapolis in July, and we decided to participate in the regional tournament in Yakima to help the boys prepare. 

On Saturday morning, Dave woke up feeling sick so I took the kids and drove to Yakima. 
They played Cosmos in the first game.  We've played them several times because we're in the same league together, and its always a good match up. 
Logan had 2 very good saves, and they won fairly easily. 
They played on the turf field this afternoon and it was 120 degrees on the turf. 
We drove home that night, and Dave was feeling much better. 
Photo Credit:  Kelly Gillin

Sunday's game was in the afternoon.  Yakima was so hot today, but they did play on grass which helped a little bit. 
The refs were stopping and taking water breaks mid-game. 
They won River today (who they beat in the Regionals final last year) 3-0.
Grandma and Amy came to watch you today. 

I just remembered I had a picture like this from last year...
(September 2016)

Sunday's game was versus a team we had not played ever, GPS Oregon. 
The game was delayed for an hour because of lightning storms. 
They were a very strong, physical and aggressive team and we squeaked by with a 1-0 win. 
Logan had seven saves in the second half.  
I think it was one of Logan's best games. 
He had lots of spectators for this game. 
Logan's coach was so proud of him for getting that shut out!  
Headed to the Championship Game tomorrow.
We giggled at Cristy's picture and text!

Tuesday was the Championship game and we had to face the same Oregon team again. 
Dave was able to join us and drive today.  
Logan, Cholo, and Colby slept for most of the way there. 

We had the lead 1-0 until 18 minutes left and they scored to tie it up. 
GPS was down a player because of a red card.
It went into overtime with no additional score so we went into another overtime. 
We had many chances to score, but just couldn't get it into the back of the net. 
With less than one minute to go in the 2nd overtime, the ref called a penalty in the box. 
I'm embarrassed to admit how badly Dave and I lost it at that point. 
We became "those parents".
There was yelling and screaming at the ref.
I remember Nate's dad saying, "Logan's got this." and looking back, it would have been much nicer for Logan to hear his parents yelling FOR him, rather than AT the referee (who wasn't changing his call anyways). 
Oregon scored on the penalty kick and did win the game. 
But still, Dave and I carried on. 
I walked down the sidelines and threw an umbrella.
I was yelling, "you don't deserve that win", "that was a terrible call". 
 I know my head was telling me to walk away and cool down, and then one of the moms from the other team shimmied her boobs at me, and whatever self control I thought I could muster, went right out the window.  
I acted horribly and out of control. 
And I know how awesome it is to win a big game, and to get to go to Nationals. It's a big deal. 
I was mostly mad at how we played.  That's not our style to play so lethargic and not "want" the win,  and to be outplayed in the last few minutes.  Oregon wanted that win, and they did deserve it. 
I needed one of our moms to remind me that we were already going to Nationals. 
The boys definitely acted much more maturely than Logan's parents. 
We loaded up in the car and made it to Ellensburg before talking. 
We drove by a man driving shirtless on a motorcycle, Dave said something sarcastic and funny, and we were all okay after that. 

Joe, Lanae and Cristy were at that finals game and Lanae e-mailed me the next day.

Side Story:  Probably nothing will come of this, but I wanted to make sure I documented it.
A Mexican former professional player who is now a scout was very impressed with Logan's play during our 3rd game (1st game against the Oregon team).  He approached our coach and came to Wenatchee to train our boys for the National tournament.  He approached Dave and they talked through a translator.  He told Dave he could see Logan going professional in the next 2-3 years, and invited Logan to spend a few weeks next summer training with the professionals in the Mexico league.  Dave told him, "you can have him, he eats too much".  Ha!  

He was interviewed about our team and their potential in the National Tournament. 

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