Monday, July 31, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 29 (2017)

Day 196, Sunday, July 16th
I took Presley and Harper to get our toes done today. 

Day 197, Monday, July 17th
The boys made it back home and this was my first look at Logan. 

Day 198, Tuesday, July 18th
The gang is all back together.
And back to picking on Presley. 

Day 199, Wednesday, July 19th
Logan entertaining 3 7 year olds at Rylan's practice. 

Day 200, Thursday, July 20th
The Richmond's were in town this week and Joey and Haley came over to swim. 

Day 201, Friday, July 21st
Ry's first summer soccer tournament. 

Day 202, Saturday, July 22nd
A rare rainbow tiger sighting at the Woodland Park Zoo.

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