Monday, July 31, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2017)

Day 189, Sunday, July 9th
Picking up our Ry-Ry from Camp Zanika

Day 190, Monday, July 10th
Harper fell asleep in the car on the way home from Winnie the Pooh camp. 

Day 191, Tuesday, July 11th
Free Slushies from 7-11 on 7-11

Day 192, Wednesday, July 12th
And they're off to Nationals!

Day 193, Thursday, July 13th
After a long 30 hour travel day and a 3 hour rain/lightning game delay, the Cobras lost their first game at Nationals.

Day 194, Friday, July 14th
After Harper's evening performance of Winnie the Pooh.

Day 195, Saturday, July 15th
After an impressive and must win game to get into the semi-finals on Sundays!

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