Thursday, May 11, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 18 (2017)

Day 120, Sunday, April 30th
Presley's Stage Kids group performed on the Apple Blossom Entertainment stage at the park. 

Day 121, Monday, May 1st
Haircuts at the same time for Harper, Presley, and Ry.

Day 122, Tuesday, May 2nd
Logan received another Panther Pride note. 
It's from last month, but he cleaned out his backpack and found it. 
We laughed that he didn't show it to us because he couldn't read what his Spanish teacher had written about him. 

Day 123, Wednesday, May 3rd
When you see all your friends at the soccer field. 

Day 124, Thursday, May 4th
It was Night of the Notables for Presley today. 
She did so good as Anne Frank. 

Day 125, Friday, May 5th
Harper was a bit "touchy" at dinner tonight so I gave her the notebook from my purse and told her to write all the words she knew. 
The first two words she wrote were poop and turd (backwards "d")so that kind of explains the type of mood she was in. 

Day 126, Saturday, May 6th
Ry and Harper were in the Apple Blossom 2.1 K Fun Run this morning. 

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