Wednesday, May 31, 2017

While P and I were at Lion King...

That was one long week of tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, volunteering hours, and finally, Lion King performances. 

I missed a few important things for Ry that I hated to, but luckily, Dave was able to attend. 

Rylan had his end of the year soccer party. 

The all-city track meet was this week too...
Fourth grade is a little tricky because they make the 4th and 5th graders compete against each other, so it's tough for the fourth graders to  beat bigger, stronger, and faster fifth grade kids.  
Ry started off in his 4x100 relay. 
He was the anchor and Dave thought they finished 5th, but Ry thought they got 4th place. 

Ry's other event was the 200 meter race. 
He placed 4th in this one.

A mom who was at the track meet told me later that only Ry could wear Superhero cape socks to a track meet and pull it off!  I was giggling when I saw this picture that Dave had on his phone. 

The same day of the all-city track meet was the all-city orchestra concert. 
This teacher was helping Ry tune his violin. 
Ry spotted Dave, Logan, and Harper from his seat in Row 29. 
He flashed them the thumbs up sign before the concert started. 
He has enjoyed violin very much this year and I hope he decides to do it again in 5th grade. 

Saturday's Lion King show wasn't until 1:30 so Cristy came early to watch Harper's last rec league game at noon. 
She hasn't scored in all of the games this season, but she happened to get 2 this game. 
One at the beginning and one at the end. 

Cristy and Ry went to Presley's performance and then Ry had a game later in the evening that she was able to watch too. 
The timing just happened to work out for her to watch 3 things on one Saturday. 
Ry played forward and goalie for this game. 

The kids were most excited for the Skittles she bought for each of them :).

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