Sunday, May 28, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2017)

Day 141, Sunday, May 21st
The final Lion King Jr. performance was this afternoon. 
Mylee, Alyson, and Amy came to watch.
And so did Grandma and Papa Nelson

Day 142, Monday, May 22nd
Presley's cast party was today (right after her school soccer game).

Day 143, Tuesday, May 23rd
Rylan racing me home today from the mailbox. 

Day 144, Wednesday, May 24th
Logan received his yearbook today. 
We found a picture of his butt on the basketball page (#24).

Day 145, Thursday, May 25th
Harper had her end of the season soccer party and I went with her. 
Logan had his end of the year sports medicine potluck.
Dave went with him to that. 
(Ry was at soccer practice, Presley stayed home)

Day 146, Friday, May 26th
A nice night for a round of PIG.

Day 147, Saturday, May 27th
The pool is open.
Ry and Harper were the first to jump in this year. 
Ry was the first out (the water was 75 degrees).

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