Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day was Sunday, May 14th.

I went to Tri-Cities on Saturday to spend the day with my mom, Amy, and Samee.
We had pedicures/manicures and then went out to dinner. 

I asked for the kids to be off their electronics on Sunday. 
(and if I'm honest, they were better today with limiting it, but not 100% turned off)

Our early riser Harper climbed into bed with us.
And then Presley made me some tea.

Ry and Logan woke up last and they all brought me some presents and cards. 

(I don't know what Harper is doing here)

Logan gave me a nice card, and signed it "Your favorite child".

Harper and Ry made me gifts at school.  Harper made me the little hand keychain with the note and Ry's little stretchy book has little sayings about me on each page. 

We got ready and went to meet Grandma and Papa Nelson for lunch at Desert Canyon Golf Course. 
It wasn't very nice so we didn't eat outside, but I hadn't been here before and it was a pretty little drive and a good lunch. 

Later that night Presley made a cake for us.

I put the kids to sleep and got us ready for the next week!

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