Sunday, May 28, 2017

Babies Big and Small

Around Rylan's birthday I was reading something about Annie the giraffe being close to giving birth. The zoo was planning to live stream the birth. 
I watched off and on for several weeks and all I ever saw Annie do was walk around her enclosure. 
I don't know how Amy and Tricia learned I was on baby giraffe watch, but they did. 
I loved their giraffe update texts to me. 
Amy even sent me an April Fool's giraffe text!

Tricia texted me the morning that April finally delivered. 
I managed to watch some of the birth, but April licking her baby clean just about did me in and I had to turn it off. 
I did think the baby giraffe was beautiful (and very big)!

This almost 2 year old is getting ready to be a big brother!
Danny and Tricia sent us all a name announcement e-mail...
They had these made when we were in Disneyland in March. 

Tricia sent me a baby bump picture recently. 
She said the next phase of her life will be known as
"The Adventures of Link and Finn"

And this arrived in the mail a couple weeks ago...
Our first niece is graduating!

Alyson and her cousin Madeline were born just 2 weeks apart and are graduating together. 
(stolen from Aly's instagram)

Amy had her girls do a re-creation fun!

Our second beautiful niece went to her first prom at the beginning of May.
Mylee is going to be her Junior Class ASB President!

And our third beautiful niece Miryn!
She's in gymnastics, still likes to wear Harper's hand me down dresses, and is a little energizer bunny. 
I think I forgot to write this on the Easter re-cap:
Rylan was walking a Diet Pepsi down to me and Miryn looked at him and said, "what are you doing with a beer?" Ha!  I guess those are the only cans she sees at her house!

Amy and Papa have been working on a graduation video for Alyson. 
Amy has found all sorts of pictures and has texted me a few. 
The original four.
She found this one too of Ry and Grandma. 
I have a similar one in Ry's baby book too. 

So many babies to celebrate!

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