Sunday, April 30, 2017

Easter: Sunday, April 16th

I invited everyone up to Wenatchee for Easter this year, and a few people were able to make it. 

My mom brought a turkey and we had salads, rolls and some side dishes for an easy lunch. 

On Saturday night we colored Easter eggs. 

The kids did a great job this year.
They turned out so bright and colorful.

I texted my mom that we were coloring eggs and they were doing the same thing at Samee's house. 

We woke up on Sunday morning and found our baskets filled. 

We had bunny pancakes for breakfast.

Grandma, Papa, Papa Berries, Samee, Nate, and Miryn came over about 1:30.

It was fun to look for eggs with Miryn. 
The big kids helped her find them, even when she wanted to take a trampoline jumping break. 
They were searching for the Golden Egg here.
Little Miryn was standing right on top of it!
But it was Harper who dug it up.
Yay for the money in the Golden Egg!

Logan was cute jumping with Miryn.
Papa brought his drone to fly.
Logan did fly it into our deck glass, and broke one of the propellers. 

Samee, Miryn and Nate
Papa Berries and Grandma
Papa Berries, Grandma and Papa

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