Sunday, April 23, 2017

Busy Soccer Week-End

On Tuesday evening, Logan's high school team played against Eisenhower.  They had won them earlier in the season 6-4, but it was still a competitive game. 
On Tuesday, Logan played the whole game as goalie.  It was 1-0 us for most of the game, and Ike scored toward the end of the game to tie it up.  
In the 90th minute,  coach pulled Logan out and put in the other goalie for the penalty shoot out. 
The other goalie did not stop one penalty shot and they ended up losing the game--their first loss of the season. 
Logan called Dave right after the game and was very upset that he was pulled. 

During Wednesday's practice, Logan's coach pulled Logan aside and apologized for not allowing him the opportunity to block the penalty kicks.  
He told Logan he would not do that to him again. 

Because we've won every other team, and there was only 3 games left, we thought it was nice of coach to say that to Logan but didn't really think there would be another penalty kick opportunity. 

Fast forward to Friday night's game against Eastmont. 
This is always a competitive game because its a cross town rivalry and because Logan's Club Cobras team is mainly split between Wenatchee and Eastmont. 
We had beat them earlier in the season 4-1. 
At halftime the score was tied 1-1.

I was texting with Dave and he was doing a little foreshadowing predicting about a shoot out at the end. 

The game did end tied 2-2 and we headed to penalty kicks! 
Logan's coach stayed true to his word and kept Logan in as goalie.   

We were up first and missed (overshot the goal).
#1 From Eastmont did score. 

#2 for us (carlos) made it
#2 for Eastmont:  Logan blocked

#3 for us (#5) missed. 
#3 for Eastmont:  Logan blocked 

#4 for us (Freddy) made it
#4 for Eastmont (Nate who plays on Cobras) made it

#5 for us made it.  Score is now 3-2
#5 for Eastmont:  Logan blocked this final shot.

Wenatchee had won in a shoot-out. 

Later that evening Kelly emailed us this video of 2 of the 3 blocked shots! 
Amazing, definitely one for the highlight reel.

Dave and Rylan left early on Saturday morning for his Washington Cup Qualifier weekend in Spokane. 
His team did not win one game this spring season so making it to the Washington Cup in Seattle next weekend seemed very unlikely. 

But they arrived and a new sweatshirt was in order. 

Dave kept me posted about the game. 
I was glad Ry had a good consistent tourney.
They lost the first game 4-1.
They tied their final game on Sunday 3-3.
But it wasn't enough points to get them in the big tournament next weekend. 
Their spring season is over. 

Harper had a game on Saturday too. 
She scored 2 goals.
Well, 3 goals, but one was called back since it rolled in from her sideline throw in. 
They don't keep score yet, but I'm pretty sure they lost. 
Going after the ball. 
The tunnel and snacks are still pretty big highlights of the games. 

Presley had a Saturday Stage Kids practice.  Her performance is only a month away. 
Her costume review and make up tutorial is coming up this week. 

We ended the weekend with Krispy Kreme doughnuts Dave and Ry brought home for us. 

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