Sunday, April 23, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2017)

Day 106, Sunday, April 16th
We celebrated Easter Sunday at our house this year. 

Day 107, Monday, April 17th
Harper was a "crazy chrysanthemum" at her 1st grade play tonight. 

Day 108, Tuesday, April 18th
The kids received fidget spinners in their Easter baskets this year and they play with them quite a bit. 

Day 109, Wednesday, April 19th
I was at a meeting at the kids' library about the district levy tonight and noticed Rylan's name as one of the captains. 
I came home and asked him about it and one of his school friends nominated him to be a captain of the 4th grade Battle of the Books competition.  He had to make a speech and was voted to be a captain by his classmates.  

Day 110, Thursday, April 20th
Harper has been begging to ride the bus home, so it finally works to let that happen once a week.  
Here they are walking from the bus stop. 

Day 111, Friday, April 21st
Logan making the game winning penalty kick block against Eastmont. 

Day 112, Saturday, April 22nd
Harper running through the tunnel after her soccer game today. 

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