Thursday, June 11, 2015

Shrub Steppe, Soccer, and Sunnyslope Fun

We've had a lot of fun spring happenings around here. 


Back in May, Presley auditioned for the role of Deer Mouse in the 5th grade play, "Shrub Steppe Cafe".  It's a major speaking part (kind of like the narrator) of the whole thing.
Her teacher told me one day how impressed she was with Presley confidence and expression during her audition. 
She got the part for her class (the play is performed twice--once by each class).

This was backstage at the evening performance with her friends Ainsley and Makayla. 

Flashback to Logan in May 2013 as the sagebrush. He had 2 lines :).

Harper had her end of the year soccer party in May.  She loved her trophy and that we celebrated at Dairy Queen. 

Logan has been playing for the Cobras this spring in the Mexican League. 
He's still playing goalkeeper but if they are way ahead he gets put in as forward. 
On this Sunday they played a very weak Chelan team and he scored 2 goals. 
He ran to mid field and then did this hip thrust (with his hands behind his head) and his players fell down all around him.  Oh my gosh it was hilarious.  His teammates were genuinely happy for him.  
In this game,  Rylan was able to play too. 
There will probably never be another time I will get to see my two boys play together on the same soccer team. 
They both played forwards at the same time together. 
As a matter of fact, Logan had a chance to get an assist to his brother for a score and he took the goal himself and missed. 
Logan and Ry playing together. 
Logan on the far left and Ry can barely be seen on the far right. 

Hand shakes at the end of the game. 
Ry is the first player, Logan towards the back. 


Sunnyslope has had a couple of fun family days. 
The family BBQ was on May 28th. 
Presley was asked to help by being a "lunch lady" and handing out the apples. 
She was very excited about this and didn't take her hair net off for the rest of the day. 
Presley loved the lunch lady in kindergarten and told me many times that's what she wanted to be when she grew up. 

Because Presley was busy being lunch lady I got to eat with Ry and his friends Kage, Alex, and Zack. 
Ry never has trouble making friends. 

On Friday, June 5th was Sunnyslope's Field Day. 
I was preparing yearbooks to go out today while Ry's class was outside so I didn't get to see him. 
My last official job of the year. 

But I did manage to sneak outside while Presley's class was out. 
Her and her friend Kailey playing Star Wars. 

We're ready to move on to SUMMER!!

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