Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ry's 2nd grade Valentine box

Logan's second grade teacher sent out a letter that students were supposed to make their Valentine boxes at home and then bring them to school.  In the letter, she referenced looking at Pinterest for some ideas.  So I looked on my own and thought I'd show him a couple different choices.  I was NOT trying to make this a big deal at all...simple, funny, Ry-like, inexpensive, and using items I already had here at the house.

These were my two ideas...
Ry has a Ninja mask here at the house, add some green felt and squiggly eyes and VIOLA, a Valentine box.  
(I would not have used swords in the head)


Paint two boxes white, cut a giant circle hole, add some foil for the handle and glue down an inexpensive plastic toilet seat.  
This was my favorite and I thought for sure Ry would go for this. 

Turns out he wasn't quite as easy to please this year. 
While scrolling through to find my Pinterest Valentine boxes he immediately saw this one...

And wanted to have a Minecraft Pig. 

This was much more labor intensive than I really wanted. 
I cut out 1 inch squares of different shades of pink (this part took the longest).
And Ry glued and glued and glued.
I had each of the kids eat an individual jello pudding snack for dessert to use for the legs and I hot glued the legs on. 

I needed some help stapling the head onto the body but the rest was all Rylan. 

He was pretty pleased to take this to school!!

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