Monday, February 2, 2015

Life Lately (brought to you by the letter S)

So many happenings to start 2015...

I received jury summons...
ain't nobody got time for that!!

Lazy Saturday.
On January 17th, we had nothing planned so we took the kids out for breakfast at Smitty's. 

Logan had Colby, Riley, and Rhett over for a sleep over. 
After dinner I found them all playing Spoons. 
I texted this picture to all their moms and they thought it was so sweet. 
I thought my Grandma would have loved this too. 

When I saw Logan's note I texted him to take a few pics and these are what he texted me back. 

Snowy Day:
We went for a scooter ride/walk by the river.

Saying good-byes at school drop off:
EVERY SINGLE MORNING Ry gives us the "I Love You" sign as he gets out of the car.
Now Logan flashes it to me real quick when I drop him off too. 
Like real camera is not quick enough to get a picture.  But he does do it.  And I'll take it. 

San Diego:
Dave took a business trip to San Diego for his National Sales Meeting.
From his hotel balcony.
He won some big sales awards too. 

While Dave was gone that week-end, Logan played in the local Steve Talbot AAU tournament.
Cousin Mathew played too so Joe, Lanae, and Cristy came to watch them both play. 
Logan and Mathew

Belly Shots:
I'm always excited to get some cute baby belly pictures from Tricia once in a while. 

Logan, Presley, and Ry all play in their school's chess clubs.

Second Grade Stories:
"I think that soccer is better than football cause in football when your going to hike it you can see their booty and in soccer you don't see booty and in football you get tackled and in soccer you don't get tackled"
Rylan Nelson, January 2015

We went to look at the house when it was snowing outside and we sat on the covered part of the deck and watched the snow come down. 

Seahawks in Superbowl 49:

After a crazy, overtime comeback win against the Packers, the Seahawks faced the New England Patriots.  I only took one picture all day.  Phil, from Dave's work, came over too. 
Ry filling out his number squares. 
Presley won the money for the last quarter. 
Patriots won the game 28-24. 

Whew...what a way to start 2015!!

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