Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Genetics are neat: Comparison Picture

Lanae sent me this picture to me.  
She labeled it February 1982. 
I would have been about 7 1/2 years old. 
It must have been one of my first years playing basketball. 

I emailed Lanae back to tell her that I thought I saw a lot of Ry in me. 
(and that's odd because I always see Dave in Ry)
But he has this precious gap between his two front teeth right now so maybe that's what it was. 

Ry: 2012 (5 years old)

Ry:  2013 (6 years old)

I opened it up on the computer and Dave came by and said, "woah, that looks a lot like          ".
(Did he agree with me?  Or did he say one of the other kiddos?)

Logan:  December 2010 (9 years old)
Presley:  2012 (9 years old)

Presley: May 2012 (8 3/4 years)

Harper:  September 2014 (5 years old)

Dave's answer...

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