Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49

Day 337, Wednesday, December 3rd
We decorated our Christmas tree tonight. 

Day 338, Thursday, December 4th
Presley and I went to the opening night of Wenatchee's local production of "Annie"
Presley's good friend Ainsley was the lead character.
Sweet story:  At intermission, Presley asked me for $3.00 and I thought she was going to get some snacks or water.  When she came back she showed me she had bought Ainsley some flowers to give her at the end of the performance.  Presley has a very kind heart. 

Day 339, Friday, December 5th
I went to the Women of Faith conference with my MOPS Leadership group.

Day 340, Saturday, December 6th
 Dave loaded up the kids and christmas movies to head to Ellensburg for Logan's first AAU tournament of the season.  I met them there later Saturday night. 

Day 341, Sunday, December 7th
Wenatchee Panthers Vs. Zillah
Logan ended up sick today and didn't get much playing time at all. 

Day 342, Monday, December 8th
UH-OH...the sickies hit our house. 
Harper went to school but her teacher called me to say she was complaining about her ear hurting so I went and picked her up early and took her to the doctor. 
Logan and Presley slept pretty much all day. 

Day 343, Tuesday,  December 9th
Logan and Harper stayed home from school, but Presley didn't want to miss her 5th grade musical performance, "Christmas Around the World". 
She was a Hawaiian Poi dancer.  
She also performed in the recorders group.  

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