Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Afternoon at Papa Berries

Harper slept quite a while in the car on the way to Papa Berries house.

We stopped at mom and dad's house first to deliver a few presents and then we headed over to Papa Berrie's house.  We were the first ones there. 
Papa was happy to tell us about his "major award" he won for placing first in his age bracket for 
The Cable Bridge Run.
And then he showed us his "major award" and told us his mom (104 years old) is quite proud of him. 
Papa Berries also showed us the newspaper results. 
I love that he has all of our names and times circled and highlighted.
(Thomas' is on the back side of this paper)

We just love him so much. 
We measured Logan and Papa and Logan has grown taller than Papa but when I took the picture, Papa went up on his tippy toes to tease Logan. 

Harper found the candy dish and Ry had some important decisions to make. 

Everyone started showing up and we were ready to open presents. 

Cristy let Ry help her pass out presents this year. 

Ry was a good taste tester of the turkey. 
This year we had a teen table. 
(they ate alot of the rolls, next year I need to bring two bags)
After dinner these three played on Natalie's new IPad. 
Presley was happy to snuggle Miryn. 
Harper was happy to snuggle with Samee.
Cristy was happy to get some teenage snuggles with Logan. 
Tricia and Danny are expecting a baby at the end of May.
(she's about 17 weeks here, love that baby bump)
Papa, Rylan, Presley, Logan and Mike played SPOONS
(Ry was the first one out and 
they're singing Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey Hey Hey, Good-bye to him)
Mike and Logan were the last two and Mike won this year. 

We headed to Grandma and Papa's at about 6:30 for our Christmas with the Kreider's. 

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