Wednesday, May 31, 2017

While P and I were at Lion King...

That was one long week of tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, volunteering hours, and finally, Lion King performances. 

I missed a few important things for Ry that I hated to, but luckily, Dave was able to attend. 

Rylan had his end of the year soccer party. 

The all-city track meet was this week too...
Fourth grade is a little tricky because they make the 4th and 5th graders compete against each other, so it's tough for the fourth graders to  beat bigger, stronger, and faster fifth grade kids.  
Ry started off in his 4x100 relay. 
He was the anchor and Dave thought they finished 5th, but Ry thought they got 4th place. 

Ry's other event was the 200 meter race. 
He placed 4th in this one.

A mom who was at the track meet told me later that only Ry could wear Superhero cape socks to a track meet and pull it off!  I was giggling when I saw this picture that Dave had on his phone. 

The same day of the all-city track meet was the all-city orchestra concert. 
This teacher was helping Ry tune his violin. 
Ry spotted Dave, Logan, and Harper from his seat in Row 29. 
He flashed them the thumbs up sign before the concert started. 
He has enjoyed violin very much this year and I hope he decides to do it again in 5th grade. 

Saturday's Lion King show wasn't until 1:30 so Cristy came early to watch Harper's last rec league game at noon. 
She hasn't scored in all of the games this season, but she happened to get 2 this game. 
One at the beginning and one at the end. 

Cristy and Ry went to Presley's performance and then Ry had a game later in the evening that she was able to watch too. 
The timing just happened to work out for her to watch 3 things on one Saturday. 
Ry played forward and goalie for this game. 

The kids were most excited for the Skittles she bought for each of them :).

The Lion King, Jr.

Presley and I went to see the fall Stage Kids production of Elf. 
The upcoming production is always announced opening night and we were there to hear it. 
I knew as soon as Mrs. McCormick announced it would be The Lion King, Jr. , I was pretty certain that Presley would want to try out. 

She tried out with the performance of "Almost There" from The Princess and the Frog. 
She was called back for a second and a third audition, and was given the role of Shenzi the Hyena. 

The Lion King performance ran Thursday through Sunday with six total shows. 
She had someone there for each of her performances. 
I worked on the lobby decorations and did microphone changes backstage. 

Thursday was opening night.
I was backstage doing microphones so I got to see her green room set-up.
She had to have her hair crimped, big and wild. 
My 1980's self was quite pleased with the crimping job and the aqua net I used to hold it. 
She was so excited. 

Grandma, Papa, and Papa Berries came to this performance. 

This is a friend of Presley's who played Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid and he came to ask her for her autograph. 
  Presley and Olivia 
Presley and her friend Tyler, who played an awesome Scar. 
Presley and Ella, who played one of the beautiful lionesses. 

Friday's Matinee was a school-only performance. 
I watched Presley from backstage on a little monitor they have back there. 

Bob and Tona came to Presley's Friday evening performance. 

Cristy came on Saturday's matinee and took Rylan with her. 
I didn't get a picture of Presley and Cristy, but Cristy did get this picture of Presley taking her bow.
 She also got a picture with Ry and his friend Piper, who played Little Nala. 

Danny, Tricia, and Lincoln came to the Saturday evening performance. 
They came to our house first for a little bit before to have some lunch, and then again after the show to get Link in his jammies for the ride home. 
Tricia said Lincoln did a great job sitting and watching the play. 

Presley was not double-cast in this play, but her friend Olivia was Pumba in the last 3 shows. 

The nights had been long and I hadn't got to tuck in Harper or Ry this whole week. 
When I got home on Saturday night, Harper had left me this note. 
Mommy, I love you.  Give me a kiss when you get back home. Love, Harper

Sunday was her very last show. 
Amy, Alyson, and Mylee drove up to watch today. 
We had bought Barb and Jim tickets for Mother's Day.
And we went as a family too. 

After the show parents had to stick around for strike which lasted a couple hours. 
Then Presley and her friends wanted to have dinner and hang out for a little bit at Applebee's. 
One of the other patrons asked me why all the kids were wearing such extensive make-up. 

Monday evening was the cast party.  
Presley had to come straight from her first soccer game.  

And that's a wrap for The Lion King, Jr. 

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day was Sunday, May 14th.

I went to Tri-Cities on Saturday to spend the day with my mom, Amy, and Samee.
We had pedicures/manicures and then went out to dinner. 

I asked for the kids to be off their electronics on Sunday. 
(and if I'm honest, they were better today with limiting it, but not 100% turned off)

Our early riser Harper climbed into bed with us.
And then Presley made me some tea.

Ry and Logan woke up last and they all brought me some presents and cards. 

(I don't know what Harper is doing here)

Logan gave me a nice card, and signed it "Your favorite child".

Harper and Ry made me gifts at school.  Harper made me the little hand keychain with the note and Ry's little stretchy book has little sayings about me on each page. 

We got ready and went to meet Grandma and Papa Nelson for lunch at Desert Canyon Golf Course. 
It wasn't very nice so we didn't eat outside, but I hadn't been here before and it was a pretty little drive and a good lunch. 

Later that night Presley made a cake for us.

I put the kids to sleep and got us ready for the next week!