Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2015)

Day 260, Thursday, September 17th
The new breakfast nook chairs came today so we had our first sit down as a family around the table dinner tonight (spaghetti, breadsticks, and green beans). 

Day 261, Friday September 18th
Presley had Kylie and Ella stay the night tonight and they posted this cute dancing video with a lip syncing app. 

Day 262, Saturday, September 19th
Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Day 263, Sunday, September 20th
Running Sunday errands with these two crazies!!

Day 264, Monday, September 21st
Dentist appointments for all four this morning.
Everyone was cavity free so they all got their names up on the fall tree. 

Day 265, Tuesday, September 22nd
Harper has picked up on our school drop off I Love You good-bye. 

Day 266, Wednesday, September 23rd
All loaded up and ready to head to school. 
Most mornings we're all pretty smiley. 

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