Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Disneyland: September 6th (Miry's 2nd Birthday)

Today was our last day in Disneyland.  
We woke up and ran into California Adventure to see if Tower of Terror was open today and it was!!
First we all rode together. 
And the second time through, Dave and Ry sat out and Harper, Presley, Logan, and mom rode it one more time. 
(Logan's making a heart with his hands...It think he's figured out where the camera is on each ride)

It was Miryn's Birthday 
and we all got together to celebrate with a Character Breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen. 

We went back into Disneyland to ride Jungle Cruise..
(our favorite boat)
And Big Thunder one more time. 
Papa asked Logan to video this time using his Go Pro...

Ry and Harper played with my phone in line. 

Grandma and Papa in front of Big Thunder. 

On our way out Papa bought up Mickey Ice Cream bars for Miryn's birthday. 
(And they had taken her back to the hotel to nap)

On the airplane ride...always a sign of a fun and busy vacation.

We made it into Seattle at 10:15 and made it back to our own beds by 1 AM on Monday. 

Monday was Labor Day so it was a good day to be home, relax, do laundry, and get ready for the 4 day week ahead.  

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