Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Day of School: September 2, 2015

Today was the first day of school!!
We've got two at Foothills Middle School and two at Sunnyslope Elementary.
I was alone this morning so my pictures aren't quite as nice as I'd like them to be. 

The kids were easy to get up and moving this morning. 
We had a breakfast of pears, eggs, and cereal. 

Their lunches were ready for pick up. 
All the kids wanted to know if I had wrote them a note (I had). 

Logan, 8th grade, age 14
Presley, 6th grade, age 12
Rylan, 3rd grade, age 8
Harper, kindergarten, age 6
Our two middle schoolers.
Presley on her first day of kindergarten, Logan on his first day of second grade. 
Our two elementary kiddos.

Presley was not nervous at all. 
She got right out of the car with a big smile on her face. 
As I drove away I saw her kind of jog to catch up with Logan and I saw him turn to say something to her and she smiled.  She said she found a friend right away. 
As I was driving away from Foothill I got a little choked up ( it's something about 6th grade, that happened with Logan too), and then Rylan asked me, "do spiders poop?" and then Harper started laughing about "what if spiders poop out rainbows". 
And that lightened my mood real quick. 
We made it to Sunnyslope with lots of time to spare. 
Ry was in a hurry to get out to recess. 
We went to his class first and he dropped his back pack off in his locker and went outside with Mason. 
I walked Harper to her class. 
Mrs. Delvo stopped to ask her if she was "finally coming to school". 
Harper found a new friend right away.  
I don't know her name but she wanted to be by Harper's side. 
She got Harper some crayons and a coloring paper. 
And just like that, I was ready to leave. 
I picked up at Sunnyslope first and I saw these two patiently waiting for me with their arms around each other.

Rylan told me he checked on Harper at recess and she gave him lots of kisses. 
We picked up the middle schoolers next. 
Presley got in the car with a big smile and real talkative about her first day at middle school.
Presley said she told Mrs. Clark (Logan's 7th grade math teacher and Presley's 6th grade science teacher) that her brother was Logan and Logan told us that Mrs. Noah came up to him and said "you have a beautiful little sister."
Logan liked his schedule and the kids in his classes too. 
Her first kindergarten paper sums up her day quite nicely. 

Off to a great start this year!!

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