Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2015)

Day 239, Thursday, August 27th
Happy Half Birthday to Rylan. 
We celebrated with a 1/2 Twinkie at lunch. 

Day 240, Friday, August 28th
We've got lots more space in the new house and yet they all seem to find themselves in my bed in the morning. 

Day 241, Saturday, August 29th
Ry celebrated Owen's birthday today. 

Day 242, Sunday, August 30th
We had some visitors today. 
My mom and dad, papa berries, Grandma Kreider, Samee, Nate, Miryn, Amy, Thomas, Alyson, and Mylee. 

Day 243, Monday, August 31
Attempting to climb the tetherball pole. 

Day 244, Tuesday, September 1
Presley's 6th grade orientation was this morning. 
She got her locker today. #521 on the bottom and had no problems opening it.

Day 245, Wednesday, September 2nd
Back to School today. 

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