Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37 (2015)

Day 253, Thursday, September 10th
We showed up a few minutes early to Logan's practice so he practiced passing with Harper. 

Day 254, Friday, September 11th
We have zero chairs in our house to eat together as a family so for the past 6 weeks, Dave and I have eaten standing up or we have eaten on the deck furniture.  

Day 255, Saturday, September 12th
The Tri-Cities group on their walk to end Alzheimer's

A winning Saturday for these three...all three got soccer game wins today. 
Presley was in the bathroom while I took this picture but it was a good day for her too. 
She found out she got the role as "Jetsom" in Stage Kids play, "The Little Mermaid".
She was super excited!!

Day 256, Sunday, September 13th
Logan's 2nd game of the soccer season was also another win. 

Day 257, Monday, September 14th
Harper playing airplane outside before school started. 

Day 258, Tuesday, September 15th
Presley was working on a school report on Otzi the Iceman for school and Harper was interested. 

Day 259, Wednesday, September 16th
Harper running through the parent tunnel...a soccer highlight for sure!

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