Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Disneyland: September 5th

Today was the California Adventure Day. 
We were all looking forward to Screamin' and Hollywood Tower of Terror. 

We all met there at opening time and gave Thomas our Hopper passes so he could get in line for Radiator Springs Fast Passes.  We made it to Screamin' first and Harper wasn't quite tall enough to ride.  Tona stayed with her while the rest of us went on it. 
Ry and I rode this one together. 

We were able to go a second time. 
Dave and Logan
Mylee and Presley

When we got off there still was not much of a line,  so everyone rode one more time. 
Ry didn't want to so I stayed with him and Miryn and went on the carousel. 
Ry really loved on Miryn this weekend. 

Then we went on the Toy Story ride. 
Harper liked this ride. 

Our fast passes for Radiator Springs were ready so we headed over there for a short wait. 
The kids all rode together and won their race. 
Mom, Dad, Tona and Grandma lost their race. 
(Love my wind blown hair)
The cousins with Cristy in Cars Land. 
She ran the 10K this morning too. 

Alyson and Harper rode Mater's Trucks with me. 

It got a little hot this afternoons so we watched the Aladdin play and went to Turtle Talk and to find out which character we were. 
Presley got Alice. 
I think Dave got Syndrome, Logan got Mickey, Harper got Lilo, and we can't remember who was Ry's character but he made this face when having his picture taken, so I hope he was someone evil...ha ha!

The last question is:
Would you rather eat lunch with nice people?
Eat nice people for lunch?

Right when I was on that question, Dave reached out to answer "eat nice people for lunch" 
and I became...
The Evil Queen!!

We wanted so badly to go on Tower of Terror but it was closed for the whole day. 
But we were able to go on Screamin' one more time. 
Dad, Mom
Logan and Cristy
We were trying to do "grandma's ride faces"
Grandma, Amy
Mylee and Presley

We ate a nice restaurant tonight so that we could get the good seating tickets for the World of Color show. 
Ry helped entertain Miryn. 

We ended this night after World of Color with a treat from Ghiradelli's Ice Cream Shop. 

Tomorrow was Miryn's 2nd Birthday!!

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