Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September/Back to School Decorations

I've started to take down my September things and put up more October/Halloween stuff and thought I'd better take some pictures for next year to remember how I decorated. 

In the kitchen.

The corner by the sink/window.

The mantle.
Close up of the burlap runner with apples and pencils mixed in. 
The Washington State painting is resting on Dr. Seuss books. 

The right side of the mantle. 
The left side had August/September birthday cards up for most of the month. 

The dining table. 
I had just received our table late this month so I threw some back to school things that were on the hutch on top just to see what it would look like decorated.  
The framed pictures are of "first day of school" pics that I could find.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2015)

Day 260, Thursday, September 17th
The new breakfast nook chairs came today so we had our first sit down as a family around the table dinner tonight (spaghetti, breadsticks, and green beans). 

Day 261, Friday September 18th
Presley had Kylie and Ella stay the night tonight and they posted this cute dancing video with a lip syncing app. 

Day 262, Saturday, September 19th
Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Day 263, Sunday, September 20th
Running Sunday errands with these two crazies!!

Day 264, Monday, September 21st
Dentist appointments for all four this morning.
Everyone was cavity free so they all got their names up on the fall tree. 

Day 265, Tuesday, September 22nd
Harper has picked up on our school drop off I Love You good-bye. 

Day 266, Wednesday, September 23rd
All loaded up and ready to head to school. 
Most mornings we're all pretty smiley. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37 (2015)

Day 253, Thursday, September 10th
We showed up a few minutes early to Logan's practice so he practiced passing with Harper. 

Day 254, Friday, September 11th
We have zero chairs in our house to eat together as a family so for the past 6 weeks, Dave and I have eaten standing up or we have eaten on the deck furniture.  

Day 255, Saturday, September 12th
The Tri-Cities group on their walk to end Alzheimer's

A winning Saturday for these three...all three got soccer game wins today. 
Presley was in the bathroom while I took this picture but it was a good day for her too. 
She found out she got the role as "Jetsom" in Stage Kids play, "The Little Mermaid".
She was super excited!!

Day 256, Sunday, September 13th
Logan's 2nd game of the soccer season was also another win. 

Day 257, Monday, September 14th
Harper playing airplane outside before school started. 

Day 258, Tuesday, September 15th
Presley was working on a school report on Otzi the Iceman for school and Harper was interested. 

Day 259, Wednesday, September 16th
Harper running through the parent tunnel...a soccer highlight for sure!

Disneyland: September 6th (Miry's 2nd Birthday)

Today was our last day in Disneyland.  
We woke up and ran into California Adventure to see if Tower of Terror was open today and it was!!
First we all rode together. 
And the second time through, Dave and Ry sat out and Harper, Presley, Logan, and mom rode it one more time. 
(Logan's making a heart with his hands...It think he's figured out where the camera is on each ride)

It was Miryn's Birthday 
and we all got together to celebrate with a Character Breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen. 

We went back into Disneyland to ride Jungle Cruise..
(our favorite boat)
And Big Thunder one more time. 
Papa asked Logan to video this time using his Go Pro...

Ry and Harper played with my phone in line. 

Grandma and Papa in front of Big Thunder. 

On our way out Papa bought up Mickey Ice Cream bars for Miryn's birthday. 
(And they had taken her back to the hotel to nap)

On the airplane ride...always a sign of a fun and busy vacation.

We made it into Seattle at 10:15 and made it back to our own beds by 1 AM on Monday. 

Monday was Labor Day so it was a good day to be home, relax, do laundry, and get ready for the 4 day week ahead.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Disneyland: September 5th

Today was the California Adventure Day. 
We were all looking forward to Screamin' and Hollywood Tower of Terror. 

We all met there at opening time and gave Thomas our Hopper passes so he could get in line for Radiator Springs Fast Passes.  We made it to Screamin' first and Harper wasn't quite tall enough to ride.  Tona stayed with her while the rest of us went on it. 
Ry and I rode this one together. 

We were able to go a second time. 
Dave and Logan
Mylee and Presley

When we got off there still was not much of a line,  so everyone rode one more time. 
Ry didn't want to so I stayed with him and Miryn and went on the carousel. 
Ry really loved on Miryn this weekend. 

Then we went on the Toy Story ride. 
Harper liked this ride. 

Our fast passes for Radiator Springs were ready so we headed over there for a short wait. 
The kids all rode together and won their race. 
Mom, Dad, Tona and Grandma lost their race. 
(Love my wind blown hair)
The cousins with Cristy in Cars Land. 
She ran the 10K this morning too. 

Alyson and Harper rode Mater's Trucks with me. 

It got a little hot this afternoons so we watched the Aladdin play and went to Turtle Talk and to find out which character we were. 
Presley got Alice. 
I think Dave got Syndrome, Logan got Mickey, Harper got Lilo, and we can't remember who was Ry's character but he made this face when having his picture taken, so I hope he was someone evil...ha ha!

The last question is:
Would you rather eat lunch with nice people?
Eat nice people for lunch?

Right when I was on that question, Dave reached out to answer "eat nice people for lunch" 
and I became...
The Evil Queen!!

We wanted so badly to go on Tower of Terror but it was closed for the whole day. 
But we were able to go on Screamin' one more time. 
Dad, Mom
Logan and Cristy
We were trying to do "grandma's ride faces"
Grandma, Amy
Mylee and Presley

We ate a nice restaurant tonight so that we could get the good seating tickets for the World of Color show. 
Ry helped entertain Miryn. 

We ended this night after World of Color with a treat from Ghiradelli's Ice Cream Shop. 

Tomorrow was Miryn's 2nd Birthday!!