Sunday, February 2, 2014

Father Daughter Dance: 2-1-14

We traveled to the Tri-Cities on Saturday afternoon so that Dave, Presley, and Harper could attend the annual Father Daughter Dance.  We arrived a few hours early so that Samee could take me to see her wedding dress and the wedding and reception location (both gorgeous).  We went over to Amy and Thomas' house at about 4:00 to start getting ready.  Amy was already doing Mylee's hair and Alyson was deciding on the hair-do she wanted.  Presley let me curl her hair and Harper did too, for a few minutes, and then she'd run off to play and then come back for some more curls.  Her hair did not turn out quite as I had envisioned, but they both looked very cute.  Presley was super excited for the dance.  Daddy and Thomas got ready, Cristy, Nate, Samee, Miryn and Papa Berries came over, and we took a ton of pictures before they left.

Cousin Love

Miss Miryn was there too and showed us her new trick of rolling over.

Amy had a bottle of sparkling cider to toast the evening. 
A certain four year old drank a lot of "joosh" this night. 
The pretties with Papa Berries
Love these girls
Thomas with his growing up girls.
Foot pop for Tricia
These girls love their Daddy!!
The theme of the dance was Masquerade Ball
Dave texted me this picture from the dance. 
Papa always gets to do the music for the dance. 
Grandma, Cristy, Amy, and me and the boys watched a basketball game (Heat vs. Knick, Heat won) and had tacos and then went for a treat from Dairy Queen. 
Ry played games on Amy's phone. 

Dave, P, and H made it back home about 9:30...Harper was DONE!
Presley let Grandma put on her mask...
and we giggled ALOT.
Dave texted this picture to Thomas and Amy that he hadn't seen this bird in the Tiki Room in Disneyland to which Thomas replied it's an endangered species. 
We drove back home, kids fell asleep in the car and we drove in about 11:50. 
Lots of laugh, lots of fun, and great memories made!!

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