Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 8

Day 50, Wednesday, February 19th
Logan had tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotters tonight. 

Day 51, Thursday, February 20
Presley's half birthday
Celebrated with 1/2 cupcakes from Cupcake Blues

Day 52, Friday,  February 21st
My Rylan woke up early to use the bathroom while I was in the kitchen making lunches for the day. I make a tea for myself each morning as I'm making lunches.   I asked him if he'd like to try and go back to sleep and he said he'd really like to have a tea with me.  Sometimes you just need a quite moment with your mom, wrapped up in a warm blanket to start the day.  

Day 53, Saturday, February 22nd

Logan and Dad went to the kickoff of the Inaugural Season of the Wenatchee United Semi Pro Team.   
Dave is part owner of the team with these men.

Day 54, Sunday, February 23rd
Harper's half birthday...FOUR AND A HALF.  We had half sandwiches at lunch time. 
Also, the day Rylan had his friend party at the hotel swimming pool.

Day 55, Monday, February 24th
Rylan came home from school and immediately got to work on writing 8 thank you notes to his friends with no complaints. 

Day 56, Tuesday, February 25th
Spaghetti for dinner.
Lady and the Tramp style. 
Love these two!!

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