Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Sunday Sadness: Denver vs. Seattle

Our little family was pretty pumped for this game, and after the season our favorite player Peyton Manning had we felt pretty good about our chances against an outstanding Seattle defense.

Early in the day Logan said, "you guys always tell me:  offense wins game, defense wins championships"....that may have been a premonition of things to come.

We filled out our grid and each chipped in $5.00. 
And then the game started, and it was pretty much downhill from the very first snap. 

So at halftime Dave tried to switch to Manning's Indianapolis Colts jersey to change the direction this game was clearly going.
And that didn't help either. 
By the third quarter the kids were playing polygons and Presley had retired to her room.

And it was over and it was never even really a game.
Seattle was the Superbowl Champions.

And I think I can become a fan of Russell Wilson.  
He seems like a good, young player.
I think he's got a great future. 
And I do like him. 
And maybe he'll have some Nelson fans at some point. 

But we're Peyton Manning fans. 
To the End. 
(Or until he retires) 

Harper and I were able to celebrate a small victory. 
We were the money winners from our family pool. 
Great family day!!

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