Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rylan's first day of skiing

Ry has wanted to go skiing for so long but the timing just never quite worked out, but finally on February 14th he was able to go.  Dave decided to put him in a ski lesson which lasted all day long.  He skied with Presley and Logan and went by to check on Rylan throughout the day.  Ry came home and was so excited to tell me about his lesson.  There were only two kids in his class this day and he was most happy to get hot cocoa.  It was very cute.

All ready to get started. 

Learning how to do the rope tow. 
Practicing pizza (snow plowing)
He told me when he got home that pizza was kind of hard for him.  
Darn crossed skis.

He had a really fun time and he'll be skiing with Dad and the big kids in no time. 
Dave did tell me I was going to have to put on my big girl undies and get up there too cause there's no way he can handle four kids when Harper is ready.  
I think Presley and I will enjoy relaxing in the lodge on ski days. 

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